JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) – the format that schemawriter.ai writes structured data schema in
Definition of JSON-LD
JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) or JSON-LD for short, is a structured data format. schemawriter.ai uses this format in its schema files.
JSON-LD is used to describe data, so that machines and search engines can understand it, and create a network of it, across documents and web sites. The “Linked Data” means, that it allows an application to start at one piece of Linked data, and follow embedded links inside this linked data, to other pieces of linked data. In other words, links are placed inside the JSON-LD code in one website. The search engines and other applications can follow these links to various other JSON-LD code pieces in other websites.
Primary Use of JSON-LD
The primary use of JSON-LD is to write structured data based on schema.org. In daily SEO talk, this is called schema. Search engine optimization experts use the information given from schema.org, to describe webpages, articles, products, etc, with schema, in the JSON-LD format.
What does JSON-LD look like
Lets use the example of a webpage. You want to write a piece of structured data, that deliver the information to the search engines, what this webpage is about. We call this webpage schema. The simplest example of webpage schema looks like this:
<script type=”application/ld+json”>
“@context”: “https://schema.org”,
“@type”: “WebPage”,
“url”: “https://schemawriter.ai/”
The code starts and ends with a <script> tag. And inside are fetaures of the code, that gives details to the item you are describing. In this case the type and the url of the webpage. In a more elaborate example, you can give description of the webpage, and some other properties. This would be a more suitable example to implement in a real life webpage:
<script type=”application/ld+json”>
“@id”: “https://schemawriter.ai/#webpage”,
“@context”: “https://schema.org”,
“@type”: “WebPage”,
“headline”: “JSON-LD”,
“url”: “https://schemawriter.ai/”,
“description”: “JSON-LD: A lightweight Linked Data format that simplifies data interchange on the web, enhancing SEO and semantic connections by embedding JSON within HTML.”,
How to get started with JSON-LD and schema
The very best way to get started writing JSON-LD schema files, is reverse engineering top ranking websites. The structured data is typically placed in the header of the webpage html code, so its very easy to inspect it manually. There are also an abundance of Chrome browser plugins, that can help you inspect your competitions schema. Once you are past the beginner stage, it is very beneficial to use automation in the creation of JSON-LD schema files. Preferrably a solution like schemawriter.ai that is the worlds most advanced platform for creating advanced schema.
How do you implement JSON-LD schema in a website
JSON-LD is implemented on a pr page basis. Each page gets a unique JSON-LD structured data code. Once created, the schema is placed in the header of the webpage of the website. This is understood to give better acces for the search engine crawlers. In WordPress sites, this is typically done using a plugin like HFCM.
Who developed JSON-LD
JSON-LD was developed by the JSON for Linking Data Community Group in 2010. This was a collaboration between the co-founder of Digital Bazaar, Dave Longley, Manu Sporny, and the W3C. Work started in 2010. In june 2013, schema.org mentioned on their blog, that they added JSON-LD as a supported format.
Connection between JSON-LD and schema.org
If you are reading this text, you are most likely interested in SEO. And you most likely connect the use of JSON-LD to schema.org. JSON-LD happens to be the recommended format to write out structured data for websites, as its described in schema.org.